27 November 2006
how can you work if you can't speak?
Ahem, this line dauntingly remind me of hearing teachers' most favourite line.. who asked me that? Not hearing teacher, nor strong deaf oral user, nor elderly person, nor Mary Hare teacher, nor JKF.. It was an innocent Deaf Cubs scout girl who uses strong SSE and oral user.
Last Friday, as a Cubs Scout leader, I told all Cubs Scout to get juice drink after some games, she come up to me, curiously asked me 'Have you a job?' I said no, as I am still looking for a job at the moment. Frankly, I thought her reaction to my answering that she wished I got a job. Actually she again asked me 'How can you work if you can't speak?' Which made me very angry un-visally because she only sees Deaf BSL users as unemployed (at the moment, I am really!). I explained to her that I have done alot of interesting jobs that hearing people can't do. That's shame because somebody (could be her hearing teachers) could wrongly indoctrinate her that oral is best communication mode. It is like blackmail, hearing teacher would say 'If you can speak well, you will get a job anyplace' it unfairly make Deaf children see British Sign language as negative thing. Now look at so many British adult SSE/oral users are ignorant toward Deaf community/culture in case they might be not better person.
I wonder if now there could be alot of young oral users ask like her... would be very alarming. There should be provision of more Deaf role model with weathly knowledge of Deaf community/culture.
give Deaf power to Deaf children
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
4:13 pm
26 November 2006
john smith the great Deaf comedian
On 25th Nov, John Smith's comedy night blew my mind away.. Before I arrived at Leeds Deaf club, there were about 70 people (10 hearing included). I so expected it was much less funnier than any comedians who I know. Yep I thought wrong! John is certainly a great Deaf comedian I have seen ever. Mind you, as a very straight man, his humour made me bit sweat already. I should say my jaw drop instead in a macho way..
As saying that, I had a dry skin and feel silent, he started to show the paper printed 'Peter Kay' the comedian (don't think he is really funny, actually it's very hearing humour, I'm happy to say that he is sh*t). He had some bad comment on 'disabled' people... He shouldn't get involved into Children In Need! But of course John picked the picture of Peter Kay instead which is very suited for Deafies' first language not hearing (spoken) language nor hearing teacher's first - yep that's beautiful BSL as visually, all of us recognised him.
John funnily mentioned about hearing people, they always pat Deafies' head when a Deaf person speak well... Made me so laugh, the way John described! None of them hearing did it on mine because oral education putted me off during my childhood.
His comdey is more like Audism, for example, some deaf oral users think they are better than Deaf BSL users. NO, NOT true, most of deaf oral user is really blonde people, their BSL is really bad which is very sad as hearing teacher the brainwashers must be pleased..
His comdey definitely would open Deaf eyes and hands who has been through Milan 1880's favourite communication mode oral education AND hearing teachers.
It would be great if John creates a new sketch like campaign for Spit act, people who speak in people's face to break law!!
beautiful BSL
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
8:06 pm
15 November 2006
leeds dfc lost 0-2.
On 11th Nov, despite our team lost to Deaf impaired team, I was so impressed with my mate Keddy's footballing as he was fighting for a place, eventually at his age, he grabbed his opportunity. It was very windy day which was so annoying for me even I still love winter. I hope LDFC will beat Manchester DFC on 18th Nov..
I still am fighting for a place since after early September my playing in very uncomfortable position (as a right leg man, I played left-back... so strange), affecting my confidence. However I was getting better just after that, still there are too many players who havent had a chance to play. Just one very bad game can be too much for the manager..
Just wish me luck for winning a place to play...
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
4:20 pm