Clark Kent is Deaf, wearing a fake hearing aids, pretending to be a 'unspoken' oral user, living in the Glorious Utopia, revealing his Deaf identity and beautiful BSL, rescuing Deaf children from medical role the villians.
Clark Kent is Deaf, wearing a fake hearing aids, pretending to be a 'unspoken' oral user, living in the Glorious Utopia, revealing his Deaf identity and beautiful BSL, rescuing Deaf children from medical role the villians.
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
10:01 pm
These are the sorts of comments used:
"Some white fellas just want to be black fellas."
"We've probably all got a bit in us."
"Why can't you just be an Australian?"
"He's doing a white man's job, so he's a white man."
To be fair, such thinking is not limited to Anglo people. Similarly problematic comments have been made to me by Indigenous people of various cultural backgrounds, including,
"Look, half-caste boy there walking."
"We're smarter than them, because we got white blood in us, eh?"
"Eh! You walk in here just like you proper blackfella!"
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
11:06 pm
Let's say farewell to the 'ethnic minorities'
Matthew Parris: My Week,,1065-2490974,00.html
Ten per cent of the British population come from “ethnic minorities”, a reporter on the BBC Today programme told us solemnly on Monday. He was discussing the Conservative Party’s drive to make the choice of candidates better reflect what Tories, too, call the “ethnic minority” population. The reporter added that this should be 10 per cent. By “ethnic minorities” he didn’t (and the Tories don’t) mean Albanians (Christian or Muslim) or the Irish, or Australians, Japanese or Jews.
Labour, meanwhile, has established an “ethnic minority taskforce” chaired by Keith Vaz, MP. His roadshow will not be visiting the Ukrainian community in Derby, or the Polish community in West London. It will not be talking to the substantial number of more recent immigrants from Eastern Europe who do not yet even speak English. Its remit includes third-generation black Christians whose only language is English. It does not include (white) Bosnian Muslims who speak no English at all. Mr Vaz is himself described as coming from the “ethnic minorities”. He (a Roman Catholic whose English is rather plummier than mine) is of Indian (Goanese) origin.
Oh, come on. Ethnic means “coloured” doesn’t it? If not, tell me in what respect not. The word is an adjective. The noun “minorities” is increasingly and unceremoniously dumped these days in favour of a new usage of “ethnic” as a noun in its own right — as though “ethnics” were members of a single tribe. Only one thing unites this wholly imaginary tribe: not their language, not their religion, not their background, not their culture — but the colour of their skin.
What hypocrisy this is. In Britain the word “coloured” is now more or less shunned in polite usage, and for a good reason: use of the term implicitly categorises people by the colour of their skin, which we shouldn’t do unless it tells us something useful and distinctive about the whole set.
What does a description of the colour of someone’s skin usefully convey in modern Britain? Their religion, language or culture? No; the Afro-Caribbean “community” (itself a conflation of two quite distinct groups) is mostly English-speaking and Christian: a culture closer to the British mainstream than that of a (white) Albanian. Indian Sikhs and Bengali Muslims are worlds apart. Those from the Indian sub-continent do not consider themselves to be black. Islam is much closer to Christianity than Buddhism or Hinduism.
Mr Vaz is no more or less representative of a black British voter in Brixton than I would be. A Bangladeshi Muslim in Tower Hamlets is unlikely to want Priti Patel (a new Tory candidate whose family origins are in India and Uganda) to speak for him on the dispute in Kashmir. Do British Indians consider themselves an oppressed minority any more? I doubt they would agree on this. Do prospering immigrants from Hong Kong feel common cause with refugees from Zimbabwe?
A growing diversity — of race, outlook, culture, gender — among our representatives in Parliament is an excellent thing and the Tories and Labour are right to push hard for it. But quotas for skin-colour are surreptitiously insulting, and plain wrong about the category they presume to identify. It’s time we recognised the whole concept of “the ethnic minorities” as the sloppy and ignorant anachronism it is: a category that simply does not exist.
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
10:59 pm
No End of Spits and Bad Breaths lacks their sign language
No End of Spits and Bad Breaths lacks their Deaf identity
No End of Spits and Bad Breaths lacks their Deaf culture
No End of Spits and Bad Breaths lacks their ambitions
No End of Spits and Bad Breaths lacks their happiness
No End of Signs benefits all of these
By Ashton Phillip
copyright 2006
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
7:58 pm
When one did not excel in English, people attacked you. When one did not excel in BSL, nobody really criticised you. In the UK, that's Undeaf and for the USA, that's Audism. Single-minded hearing teachers always harshly criticise Deaf pupils for English, they apparently weren't interested in BSL because it's not their first language. They only care about their first language more than Deaf pupils' natural language even Deaf culture. It seems so unfair because when someone criticises your English, your English skill eventually will improve, let alone BSL.
Unfortunately not many teachers see BSL as normal language, frighteningly manipulate Deaf pupils meaning of BSL. New-found Deaf identity people can be very frustrated when they broad their mind, it was like someone ruins their photos of families. In fact, most of Deaf people thought BSL wasn't good grammar so called 'referring' to spoken English. Actually BSL is not form of written that's communication.
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
7:47 pm
As you know, vowels are more speech sounds rather than written or reading form. I have been thinking alot about vowels.
For hearing people, saying 'a apple' does not sound right but for Deaf people's BSL finger-spelling? I don't mean Signed Excat English, its about finger-spelling. Vowels is really English. Mmm?
Who created vowels in BSL finger-spelling? Should we keep these five finger-spelling despite our fighting for BSL ownership? Otherwise avoiding some hearing people embarrassingly admit they know BSL at pubs - A-E-I-O-U!
Also I asked a hearing person why we often use 'an' for 'hour', she said when saying 'hour' would be sounding like 'our'. Interesting but not for BSL?
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
7:30 pm
Deaf parents dream about their child becoming a surgeon
Parents dream about their child becoming a porter
Deaf parents dream about their child becoming a lawyer
Parents dream about their child becoming a criminal
Deaf parents dream about their child becoming a professor
Parents dream about their child becoming a dinner-ladies
Deaf parents dream about their child becoming a pilot
Parents dream about their child becoming a plane-spotter
Deaf parents dream about their child becoming a director
Parents dream about their child becoming a cleaner
By Ashton Phillip
copyright 2006
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
6:10 pm
That was a good game but LDFC played depriving in the first half. Leeds-ians were yearning for Yorkshire water (or could be nobly mineral) when the ignorant 'chicken without a head' referee whistle for the half time. Their manager suggested that some of players dropped their jaws while hollywood stars played good. His comment apparently woke them up during half time which was piece of good fortunate because the manager 'wake-up' cure style prove it right. Northern men got better as they played quite well and hard work, already enlighened us chilly supporter.
Unfortunately Cockney players tried to play like there were hollywood scouts watching rather than Italian Serie A. Yeah they are good actors like Lehmann and Drogras's embarrassingly incident, they are in London.. obviously. Oscar-winning actor (more like Razzle as in infamous worst awards) said that respective Northern pitch give him anxious, he irritably said Cockney pitches is better. Ah well.. he still played good(!). He tackled our player hard, Wayne Rooney look-alike but innocently pushed him.. yeah he fell onto Northern 'star' field like someone has been shot him.
We lost 4-2 but we should deserve a win.
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
5:05 pm
At school, you easily could get STD or pregnancy if you don't understand sex education through hearing's first language..
Your health comes first..
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
6:03 pm
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
9:43 pm
As a photographer, I have been thinking about photography which I really admire.. no point to take photographs for nothing but these images is still powerful. It can affect anybody like war, murder, family, you name it. So my dream project would be to document the Deaf education/community in developing countries from the perspective of Deaf people. Focusing on sociological and language issue.
I really believe that educated Deaf people should help out Deaf community in developing countries, that's unselfish way to do..
Also shooting the British Black Deaf community because there are not many Deaf black people achieving like white or Asian.
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
9:05 pm
You can pretend to be Deaf impaired
When you laugh with hearing’s unfunny jokes
You can pretend to be Deaf impaired
When you dance without the vibration
You can pretend to be Deaf impaired
When you can lip-read
You can pretend to be Deaf impaired
When you clap
You can pretend to be Deaf impaired
When you do not use facial expression
You can pretend to be Deaf impaired
When you buy a new car-stereo
You can pretend to be Deaf impaired
When you admire hearing teachers
You can pretend to be Deaf impaired
When you type ‘Hear, hear’
You can pretend to be Deaf impaired
When you watch TV without subtitles
You can pretend to be Deaf impaired
When you had excuses for not watching Deaf TV
You can pretend to be Deaf impaired
When you use idioms too many
You can pretend to be Deaf impaired
When you feel lost without batteries
By Ashton Phillip
copyright 2006
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
8:50 pm
Congralutations, Robert! So we can move on behind difficult times..
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
8:33 pm
Bionic ears 'threaten deaf culture'Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Deaf activists have claimed their 'culture' is under threat from hi-tech ear implants which promise to help their babies' speech and language skills.
Cochlear implants, if inserted in a baby's first year of life, can allow the child to develop 'normal' language skills at least up to the age of four.
But some deaf parents argue there is nothing wrong with a deaf child that requires surgery, and say the implants represent 'genocide to the deaf'.
The implant is a surgically implanted electronic device that can help provide a sense of sound to a person who is profoundly deaf or severely hard of hearing.
Often referred to as a bionic ear, the implant does not amplify sound, but works by directly stimulating functioning auditory nerves inside the cochlea with electrical impulses.
Eleven children who received implants before the age of one developed language normally, a team at the University of Melbourne found.
'The children don't have normal hearing, but they have normal language,' a team member said.
But some members of the deaf community argue the implants are unethical.
Harlan Lane, a psycholinguist at Northeastern University in Boston said: 'The idea of operating on a healthy baby makes us all recoil.
'Deaf people argue they use a different language and with it comes a different culture, but there is certainly nothing wrong with them that needs fixing with a surgeon's scalpel.'
One of comments that I like..
I'm a Deaf Studies student at Bristol university, and we've been covering this precise topic in our discussions and seminars recently. We are a majority hearing class, and yet we all agree that deafness is certainly not a disability, it's just a difference, and that the deaf child should not have their culture and life taken away from them without a choice. Also, the implants do not mean that the child will fit into the "normal" hearing culture, and they will not fully belong to the Deaf culture, which means that they threaten the child's chances of understanding themselves, and leading a normal, healthy and happy life. (Laura Blake, Bath, UK)
See, see!
I noticed a team member who said that line "The children don't have normal hearing, but they have normal language". Is that how crappy team see this sign language as a not normal language? For me, British Sign Language is normal rather than Deaf impaired's first spoken language English.
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
8:08 pm
Ridor's message -
In St. Paul, Minnesota, a deaf person by the name of Doug Bahl was pulled by the cops for going through a yellow or red light and apparently, he did not see the sirens for a little while before he pulled aside. The cops in St. Paul pepper-sprayed him and beats him up in a vicious manner.
Doug cannot talk about this because the lawsuit is pending. His attorney advised him not to. But I got the sources somewhere else.
But I feel this is a good example of police brutality and negligence on Deaf individuals across the nation. So since it was done being forwarded via the emails.
I’m confident that he will win the lawsuit against St. Paul Police Department for its brutality on a simple traffic stop.
It is time for us to be proactive and stop these appalling activities. How? To expose the cops of their condescending behaviors toward Deaf individuals.
According to the grapevines, Doug Bahl ran through a yellow or red light, unaware that the police was on him for that, pulled him aside. There is a claim that he was trying to pull a card which prompted the cops to take the “evasive action” and that it is not entirely true.
The cops were trigger-happy in pepper-spraying Doug Bahl. Then proceeded to beat him up and bloodied him.
The cops neglected to provide him as he requested for the interpreter for 3 days when he was in the jail. He wanted the clear communication as much as can be. The cops were not willing to do that, instead they attacked him outright.
His family was frantically calling for friends because he was nowhere to be seen for 3 days. They later found out that he was denied of having one phone call.
And I must mention that Doug Bahl is 5′4.
Doug Bahl is well known in the state of Minnesota. In fact, he runs Thompson Hall, a deaf club in Twin Cities as well as teaching ASL at St. Paul’s College. He used to teach at Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf. In fact, people do not refer him as Doug, they knew him as Doug Bahl. On a personal level, many knew him as the man who married the first Miss Deaf America.
However, Doug Bahl is not the only one that experienced this horrific encounter with the police officers. There are many, including myself, Deaf individuals that had horrific experiences with the cops in the past.
In fact, the African-Americans complained about the racial profiling. So do we, but we lack the means to reach the media that the cops are doing things to us to deprive us of our dignity.
My respect for the police officers in this country is zero. Zilch. Nothing. No good, finish, train zoom!
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
7:44 pm
As a Deaf black man, which are most of these offensive words for me? I definitely would say coloured. Yep that word is not even politic. Unfortunately other way for white elderly people. (other word - 'young fella')
In the 18th Century, when thousands of black African slave were dishearteningly taken to the UK under formerly (yay) British Empire rule. British white people invented that word after they first saw black people in a disgust way, just their natural feeling.. obviously with their strong white identity. They called them 'coloured'. Black people were naive that time, of course I don't blame them, just blame lack of education for the white community.
They call that word because white people see themselves as normal skin rather than other races, in fact. Coloured mean black skin is not normal referring to white's perspective, simply made me so sick! At the moment hearing impaired is new coloured.
I would understand if I am really from Rainbow. Would be better IQ eh.
N*gger? That word doesn't even disgust me! Why? Because I am not really native Niger not even Nigerian, so somebody who invented that must be so dumbest in the world then. As well as for other people who call that for no reason. For uneducated racist people, N*gger mean dirty water in the Niger's one of rivers in the Western Africa. Niger people are not n*gger, they are beautiful people! Even they are THE world's poorest country.
Just call me black.. just don't give me white eye. Oh yeah don't say 'i am not a racist but...' It is like when you say anything to make it alright automatically, so somebody believe.
Deaf black power
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
11:25 pm
At Thorn Park Deaf school, I was about 8 years old, teacher furiously telling us Deaf pupils to sit in the classroom. We felt nervous because it could be something very serious as teachers would normally give us detention if we are told to sit. We giggly looked each other then puzzled. Why? this Pakistiani pupil walked funnily like how cowboy walk. Teacher said he has been to the hospital before the day as his groin was hurted (actually someone kicked into his groin in the toilet). I didn't know nothing about how happened. But strangely some of pupils looked at me for no reason. Teacher looked at me straightaway. In my mind, it must be me because I was sometime unlucky to got into trouble (some reasons for example I was more intelligent than any pupils, extremely good sport person and relationship between me and teachers was like PFFT!).
Anyway some of pupils pointed at me, I was so shocked! I didn't know why it was me. I told my teacher that it wasn't me kicking. Apparently a few days later I found out it that was a white pupil boy who bullied him, he was physically bigger than us. That's why he forced this Asian boy to lie eventually most pupils did too. It was because I was only black pupil at that school as large minority were white and Pakistiani, so I was an easy target. I have been bullied occasionally, plus I was sometime feeling poo before going to school every day. If I was much confident and brave, I would tell my teacher like this image!
I wouldn't wish this on any black pupils in the UK. As well as other races. If it happens to you, you MUST go and see teachers or parents.
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
4:42 pm
I just didn't get a job from Leeds Social Service as a Social Work Assistant with parents of Deaf children (actually, could be my secure job)... I was bit disappointed as it's my first time to not getting a job after job interview in my life! Although I took it quite well. Show that I literally don't give up my determinations to look for a job. Knowing that I have alot of work experiences, blow my own horn.
I'm still looking for a job within the Deaf community. If you know any job could suit me, tap my shoulder please otherwise email/sms me!
I'm still doing plans for setting up a freelance photography business..
peace out, power to the Deaf people
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
8:08 pm