29 January 2008
28 January 2008
Skin Implant
The parent is expecting a healthy baby very soon. They look around the baby shop for their unborn baby like Barbie/Action man or a cute brush. The father is dreaming of his daughter or son becoming a premiership football manager. The mother is dreaming of his daughter or son becoming a princess in England. Their expectations are so high, when it comes to new babies.
The mother is in the labour as the father supports her with breathing. She screamed and foul-mouthed at everyone but for those of pregnant women, that is very normal thing to say. Suddenly, the doctor and nurse’s face is not that the parent is waiting for.
The excited parent’s world turned upside down when they saw their new baby boy. It seems nothing wrong with it. He has got legs. He has got arms. He has got feet. He has got hands. He has got nose. He has got mouth. He has got everything we have. What the hell wrong with him? You wouldn’t see anything wrong with him. He is like every baby in the world.
But for his parent, they think that their black baby boy wouldn’t have a great life as white baby. Yes, just different skin from his parent.
The egotistical doctor or you call it a medical model, he strongly advised the parent to implant the white skin on their black baby otherwise he will struggle being a black person or being a second-citizen. So a newborn baby will improve his language development, white culture, well-manners, have to smile all the time (show his white teeth), talk or walk like a white person does, making a lot of new white friends, he will have a same level as white people academically and professionally if he went to white-only school, even won’t get into trouble like other black people stereotypically or so even his favourite line would be ‘I am not a racist but...’
As the parent openly asked about black people, the doctor suggested black people’s culture will affect their son’s process in the future.
Remember the parent’s expectations, the mother wants to give an Action man for her son’s birthday or the father is dreaming of his son becoming a premiership manager which black footballer rarely get a managerial job. As saying that, they realised it is too much for their son if they refuse to accept the white implant. They agreed with the doctor. They did it for relieving their worry and unhappiness with his blackness. Even before he could spell 'C-H-O-I-C-E'.
Their son has been implanted ‘white’.
The newspaper headlined ‘Good, clean and happy baby!’ The mother said "He is still black but we just want to give love and we know what’s best for my beautiful clean son, look at his face, he looks happy." The black community (some people call black activists 'Troublemakers') backlash at their decision. One of other people's views "The parent know best"… (Echoing)
Sadly, 25 years later, he is at the mental hospital not as a manager, not as a staff, not even as a chef. He is a patient.
It’s all because all so much fuss made him to be somebody, not himself. He is not very happy with himself at the moment…
His life would be very different if the parent invites black role models, not just ignorant or know-it-all medical or 'professional' models.
You can give a lot of love and happiness into your children naturally not medically. You can do same thing for Deaf children too.
By Ashton Jean-Pierre
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
4:50 pm
Facebook world
On Monday evening, Penny walked in the street, reading a Mini-feed newspaper. Suddenly she jumped as she felt like someone shot her squashly shoulder.. actually her annoyingly friend George tap her hard behind Penny's behind without a warning. Penny frowned her sparkly eyes and crossed her arms. She could tell George's face as if he have got something good to tell her.
George said, 'Good news!' (he rolled his eyes up and nodded his head)... 'Of course, for me!' Penny unenthusiastically asked what the good news is.
George said, 'I added 803 friends so far!' 'I must be a good person or everyone love me!' He looked up in the sky for 7 seconds then he stroked his crappy hair.. said 'Oh yeah what do you think of my profile photo?' Penny thought 'He is getting be lonelier and lonelier every day'. She prefers adding REAL friends which has 31 friends.
2 days later. Penny got in the MSN bar and saw George again. He unexpectly asked Penny something. 'Why didn't you answer my question about my profile photo?' Fortunately Penny ran out of the MSN bar.
Next day, George was lying to his fake friends that Penny and him got on very well. Actually he deleted her mobile number furiously.
Penny and George painfully ignored each other, even at the MSN bar. This awkward situation henced her to go to the Camfrog bar.
Suddenly, she felt someone shot her shoulder again.....
'Shitbook happens!' she screamed.
Posted by
Ashton Jean-Pierre
12:30 pm