12 February 2007

A CI girl died aged 7 years old by meningitis

Check it out


Anonymous said...

THis is Grumpy doing scare stories again... read http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/m/meningitis/causes.htm for a list of possible menigitis causes, not ONE, mentioned a CI. The girl happened to have a CI as well, this was NOT The primary cause of her death. Had prompt treatment started or innoculation,then she may well have been alive... It's time deaf activists stopped lying about CI's. Having your TEETH out is statistically more dangerous....

Ashton Jean-Pierre said...

Really? really? really? You are totally right! I am so fool! dammit(!) "You should say hearing-controlled KETV is lying" instead.. even if they are really lying, you still should have say your apology for Grumpy as they just are giving info, oh of course I forget you would be too coward to say this,'anonymous'!

Read this link:

If you think wrong, apologise to KETV too.

Maybe this 'Wrongdiagnosis' website may not need to mention about CI for some reasons. Could be less common than a list of POSSIBLE other meningitis causes

'Had prompt treatment started or innoculation' AND cochlear implant can causes meningitis.

You may love to call me liar just because I am Deaf but my mum who worked as a nurse at the hospital saying bacticia meningitis can cause death or severely brain damaged. Or call her liar too(!)

That's your assumpution(!)


Anonymous said...

Grumpy planted that article to try discrediting CI's. If you read American sites (Where this article originated), you would read a lot more 'facts'.

Deaf activists are entitled to a view on CI's they are not entitled to re-tribute information with pro-anti bias, this confuses deaf people mis-informs them.
Grumpy published in such a way as to discredit a very useful and valuable aid for the deaf, because she probably thinks it's her duty as a 'Deaf' person or something.

At least LOG in to CI user sites, (The SEE HEAR board has two), discuss what they think and feel, or is that too much like being FAIR ? I've friends with CI's, friend who use BSL, friends who have hearing aids, and hearing people too, get out there and get some balance Grumpy !

There was an excellent blog by an American about CI's abd hours later Grumpy published her article copy, not even trying to hide her bias... these people are going nowhere and no WONDER... how wwill we ever achive unity with dodo's like this about ?


Ashton Jean-Pierre said...

Tut, tut! Your assumption again.. Maybe that's who you are really. I understand.

Nothing wrong with the Grumpy giving info about a poor Deaf girl died with meningitis causes from CI.

It's about news THAT a girl died, not about views about CI. So you don't need to change the subject to assume Grumpy changing CI users' views.

That girl just died that I just happen to know, for God's sake!

Views about CI on my website as same as your last message, I would understand.

That's just news.

My mum who worked as a staff nurse, saw the full picture at the hospital, so she told me alot about that. That's why I was so lucky to not have a CI.

I have a quite many friends with CI but 3 of them haven't used it for years because it didn't help and one of their parent has been forced him to get a CI. Even worse his parent sent him to the God-fearing conference in London, to pray for hearing better seriously. Fortuntely, they accepted him being Deaf at last.

He wanted to get it un-operated but it's too risky, could be fatal. Interestingly he is flunet BSL user, not an oral user.

Anonymous said...

THis sorry, is total disinformation, there is no specific link at all to meningitis via CI's, it is supposition/bias which Grumpy capitalised on. There's no hope of a balanced view from these people.

Anonymous said...

Canada has implanted 97% with CI's, the highest known implanatation project in the world as far as I know. C'mon Grumpy you could have a field day here lolololo !!