My a**e!
I bought a Deaf magazine Sign Matters yesterday, apparently it cheered me up.
Only one person support BSL may be not enough comparing to the population or 'ratio' but he is very well-known to the hearing community in the UK. Sign Matters (Feb 2007) asked the outspoken Ricky Tomlinson from The Royle Family.
'How did Ricky feel about BSL not being part of the UK National Curriculum?'
Ricky said "I think that learning BSL is a MUST". It should be a 2nd language as you never know it could help save a life." BSL should be taught in schools, that way hearing and Deaf can communicate on equal terms. I think it's sad that the government of this country has money to spend on war and killing but not enough to teach children and ensure they get access to the Education the have a right to"
Showing that he is so positive! See, see!
'We asked Ricky if he was able to use BSL himself? "Sadly no, however my mother once dated a young Deaf man before marrying my father and she herself could sign and my daughter, Katie has learned stage 1 sign language"
WOW! I would like to see Ricky's fans tempted to find out about BSL!
But am I tempted to support Liverpool? my a**e! (His very infamous phase - 'My a**e at end!)
Hello! I love ur blog cos bad breath and good breath which i like it as enjoying reading ur blog! hehe Hope you are well and settle down since spend in Guyana. Take care, James Mclean (UCLAN Graduate 2006) ;) x
SIGNMATTERS is a waste of your money, there is virtually no info about grass roots, it's the BDA answer to 1 in 7, glossy photos and all, bought it once never again !
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